Stability of Upwind Scheme with Forward-Euler Time Integration


When using the upwind scheme for the solution of advection equations, there is a critical timestep size, \displaystyle \Delta t , above which the solution becomes unstable.

Problem Statement

Use von-Neumann’s stability analysis to establish the timestep-size

requirements for the upwind scheme to generate stable solutions.


To solve this problem, we need to do the following:

  1. Consider a 1-D advection equation with a constant velocity.
  2. Discretize the 1-D advection equation using forward-Euler in time and upwind in space.
  3. Given the difference equation, introduce an artificial perturbation as an initial condition.
  4. Estimate the growth/decay properties of artificial perturbation and derive the stability requirement for this problem.

Show Me the Math

Consider the advection of a quantity \displaystyle \phi at constant speed \displaystyle v .

This motion can be described by the advection equation

\displaystyle    \frac{\partial\phi}{\partial t}=-v\frac{\partial\phi}{\partial x}

We assume that \displaystyle v>0 for simplicity of the exhibition. Our purpose is to study the stability of a forward-Euler, upwind discretization of this equation. For this purpose, we set

\displaystyle    \frac{\phi_{i}^{n+1}-\phi_{i}^{n}}{\Delta t}=-v\frac{\phi_{i}^{n}-\phi_{i-1}^{n}}{\Delta x}


\displaystyle    \phi_{i}^{n+1}=\phi_{i}^{n}-v\frac{\Delta t}{\Delta x}(\phi_{i}^{n}-\phi_{i-1}^{n})

Here, I will assume that you are familiar with von-Neumann stability analysis. If not, then see my description \ref{sub:Von-Neumann-Stability}. Without further ado, we substitute

\displaystyle    \phi_{i}^{n}\equiv\sum_{m}e^{\alpha t}e^{ik_{m}x}

We then have

\displaystyle    \sum_{m}e^{\alpha(t+\Delta t)}e^{ik_{m}x}=\sum_{m}e^{\alpha t}e^{ik_{m}x}-v\frac{\Delta t}{\Delta x}\left[\sum_{m}e^{\alpha t}e^{ik_{m}x}-\sum_{m}e^{\alpha t}e^{ik_{m}(x-\Delta x)}\right]

but, by virtue of linearity, we can safely drop the summation and

investigate the behaviour of a single mode. In other words

\displaystyle    e^{\alpha(t+\Delta t)}e^{ik_{m}x}=e^{\alpha t}e^{ik_{m}x}-v\frac{\Delta t}{\Delta x}\left[e^{\alpha t}e^{ik_{m}x}-e^{\alpha t}e^{ik_{m}(x-\Delta x)}\right]

then, dividing by \displaystyle e^{\alpha t}e^{ik_{m}x} , we have

\displaystyle    A\equiv e^{\alpha\Delta t}=1-C\left[1-e^{-ik_{m}\Delta x}\right];\quad C\equiv v\frac{\Delta t}{\Delta x}

where \displaystyle A is the error amplification factor. Using the exponential

trigonometric identities, we have

\displaystyle    A=1-C\left[1-\cos(k_{m}\Delta x)\right]-iC\sin(k_{m}\Delta x)

The method is stable is the amplification factor is less than 1. The

magnitude of the amplification factor is

\displaystyle    A^{2}=\left\{ 1-C\left[1-\cos(k_{m}\Delta x)\right]\right\} ^{2}+C^{2}\sin^{2}(k_{m}\Delta x)

\displaystyle    A^{2}=1-2C\left[1-\cos(k_{m}\Delta x)\right]+C^{2}\left[1-\cos(k_{m}\Delta x)\right]^{2}+C^{2}\sin^{2}(k_{m}\Delta x)


C^{2}\left[1-\cos(k_{m}\Delta x)\right]^{2}+C^{2}\sin^{2}(k_{m}\Delta x) =C^{2}\left[1-2\cos(k_{m}\Delta x)+\cos^{2}(k_{m}\Delta x)\right]+C^{2}\sin^{2}(k_{m}\Delta x)

\displaystyle    =C^{2}\left[1-2\cos(k_{m}\Delta x)\right]+C^{2}

\displaystyle    =2C^{2}\left[1-\cos(k_{m}\Delta x)\right]


\displaystyle    A^{2}=1-2C\left[1-\cos(k_{m}\Delta x)\right]+2C^{2}\left[1-\cos(k_{m}\Delta x)\right]

\displaystyle    A^{2}=1-2C\left[1-\cos(k_{m}\Delta x)\right](1-C)

Finally, the method is stable if \displaystyle A^{2}<1 . In other words

\displaystyle    1-2C\left[1-\cos(k_{m}\Delta x)\right](1-C)<1


\displaystyle    -2C\left[1-\cos(k_{m}\Delta x)\right](1-C)<0

but, \displaystyle -1\leq\cos(k_{m}\Delta x)\leq1,\;\forall\; k_{m} . Therefore,

it is only sufficient to find \displaystyle C such that \displaystyle 1-C>0 , or \displaystyle C<1 .

In other words, the upwind scheme with FE temporal integration is

stable, if, and only if

\displaystyle    v\frac{\Delta t}{\Delta x}<1

This is the famous Courant-Frederichs-Lewy (CFL) condition. It essentially

dictates that this numerical scheme is stable as long as the numerics

do not transport information in a single timestep \displaystyle \Delta t more

than one single cell \displaystyle \Delta x . Note that when the velocity is negative,

the same condition applies.

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